Share Your Ancestor's Story | - Holocaust Stories, War Stories, And More is the only website which allows you to post your ancestor’s story of hardship. Read, share, learn and interact with true stories about people’s ancestors from the Holocaust, Civil War, Armenian Genocide, World War Two, etc. Learn about different events in history and the people who experience them. is essentially an online archive that can preserve people’s ancestors' stories of hardship. Join now for free and share your ancestor’s lost cry.
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Stories and hardships of ancestors related to the Rwandan Genocide.
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Stories and hardships of ancestors related to the Cambodian Genocide.
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Stories and hardships of ancestors related to the Cold War.
1 story
Stories and hardships of Ancestor's related to the Holocaust.
14.8K stories
Post stories and hardships related to September 11, 2001.
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Stories and hardships related to Native American times. Includes, interactions with early immigrants, etc.
0 stories
Stories and hardships related to British America.
0 stories
Stories and hardships related to Colonial America.
0 stories
Stories and hardships related to the American revolution.
Stories and events related to Pearl Harbor.
0 stories
Stories and hardships related to the Korean War.
Stories and hardships related to the Vietnam War.
0 stories
Stories and hardships related to the Russian Revolution.
1 story
Stories and hardships related to the Ciivl Rights Movement.
0 stories
Stories and hardships related to World War Two.
0 stories
Stories and hardships related to World War One.
14.9K stories
Stories and hardships of ancestors related to the United States Ciivl War.
Stories and hardships of Ancestor's related to the Armenian Genocide.
14.8K stories
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